Anti Victim Blaming

Victim Blaming is a key barrier for victims and survivors to seek help, whilst also keeping perpetrators invisible, causing secondary victimisation from service provisions. This interactive reflective workshop, is a safe place for practitioners to understand what victim blaming is, reflect on our own bias that impacts how we respond to victims and survivors, and learn how to adopt anti-victim blaming practice


Learning outcomes: for practitioners to gain an understanding and knowledge of what victim blaming is, where it comes from, and how it is reinforced. Encourage reflective and reflexive practice on our own bias that can lead to victim blaming attitudes, beliefs, and language. Inform how we can adopt rigorous anti-victim blaming practice and challenge victim blaming attitudes and beliefs with those around us, and model best practice


None: This session is for all practitioners and supervisors that work with children, adults, and/or families directly or indirectly in Surrey.

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