Advanced - Domestic Abuse for Professionals (L3 Working with Victims and Survivors)

An advanced course designed to equip frontline professionals who may work with people who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse with the knowledge, tools and awareness to provide effective support.


Explore the impact of trauma on individuals and reflect on your own practice
Have a deeper understanding of the barriers victims face when engaging with professionals around their abuse.
Be alert to the possibility of domestic abuse in your own workplace.
Recognise the benefits of using the DASH Risk Assessment to support victims.
Explore domestic abuse and related legislation.
Learning from Adult Safeguarding Reviews and Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews.
Practical application of skills
Identify organisational, local and national support.
Recognising burnout, compassion fatigue, and looking after yourselves.


We recommend you you attend L1 and L2 Domestic Abuse courses before this course. 

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