Domestic Abuse and Housing

This session explores factors that increase vulnerability to abuse, emphasizing awareness, reducing stigma, and professional curiosity in recognizing abuse. It empowers professionals to act on concerns, respond to disclosures, and refer victims to support services.


Introductions / safe space
Be aware of the dynamics of DA, including its various forms, patterns and impacts to identify indicators within housing environments.
Explore legislation and regulations around DA and housing rights in the UK.
Understand the intersection of DA with housing insecurity, homelessness and diverse demographics.
Develop strategies to assit victims and survivors of DA in accessing secure and sustainable housing options.
Embrace trauma informed approaches to housing provision and support services.
Recognise and address barrieers to accessing housing assistance and resources for victims and survivors of DA.
Enhance awareness of community resources and support networks available to victim and survivors of DA.
Key learning / action plan
Delegate wellbeing/debrief activity.

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